For Afghan Nationals

For Afghan Nationals:-

  1. Owing to the prevailing security situation in Afghanistan and streamlining of the visa process by introduction of the e-Emergency X-Misc visa, it has been decided that all Afghan Nationals henceforth must travel to India only on e-Visa.

  2. Keeping in view some reports that certain passports of Afghan Nationals have been misplaced, previously issued visas to all Afghan Nationals, who are presently not in India, stand invalidated with immediate effect. Afghan nationals wishing to travel to India may apply for e-Visa at

  3. Such Afghan Nationals coming on e-Emergency X-Misc. Visa will have to mandatorily register with the FRRO / FRO concerned within 7 days of arrival in India. If they are moving from their registered place of stay to another place, they will have to further register mandatorily with the FRRO / FRO concerned at the new place of residence.