ITEC Sponsored Training Programmes

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation

About ITEC:

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme was launched by the Government of India on 15 September 1964 for bilateral cooperation and technical assistance. Under ITEC and its sister Programme SCAAP (Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme), 161 countries in Asia, Africa, East Europe (including former USSR), Latin America, the Caribbean as well as Pacific and Small Island Countries share in the Indian developmental experience acquired over six decades in various fields.

2. ITEC programme is an initiative of the Government of India’s capacity building effort in various fields. ITEC is about cooperation and partnership for mutual benefit. India possesses rich experience in the field of economic development as well as manpower skills and technology suited to the geographical and ecological conditions of partner countries.

3. The professionals and people from ITEC partner countries are offered unique training courses in different centers of excellence in India which empower them with not just professional skills but prepare them for an increasingly globalized world. The training Programme is demand-driven, and subjects selected are of interest to working professionals from partner countries for their wide range of skills and disciplines.

4. ITEC courses are offered in subjects such as accounts, audit, banking and finance, management, computers, advanced computing, information technology, telecommunications, labour issues, entrepreneurship development, small medium enterprises (SME) business development, rural development, English-language proficiency, mass communication, educational planning and management, tool design, pharmaceuticals, education and research, textile research, environment and renewable energy etc.

5. The ITEC programme is fully funded by the Government of India. All expenses related to training programme such as course fees, living allowance, book allowance, study tours, emergency medical assistance as well as return air fares are borne by the Government of India.

6. Eligibility Criteria

An applicant interested in a course under the ITEC programme should meet the following requirements:

  1. Should meet the academic or other requirements set by the Institute for the course s/he is interested in

  2. Should be 25 to 45 years old

  3. Should have a work experience of a minimum of 5 years

  4. Should have a working knowledge of English

  5. Should be medically fit

7.  How to Apply : Follow the instructions under the Apply Now on the ITEC website (Click here).Fill up the online application form. Applicant can choose their own login email ID and create their login password, which would be used by the system to keep them updated of the processing status.

FAQs about ITEC:

Q : What is ITEC?

A : The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme was instituted by a decision of the Indian Cabinet on 15 September 1964 as a bilateral programme of assistance of the Government of India. The decision regarding setting up the ITEC programme was predicated on the underlying belief that "it was necessary to establish relations of mutual concern and inter-dependence based not only on commonly held ideals and aspirations, but also on solid economic foundations. Technical and economic cooperation was considered to be one of the essential functions of an integrated and imaginative foreign policy.”

For more details please visit  :

Q : What are the main components of ITEC Programme ?

A : There six main components of ITEC Programme

  • Training (civilian and defence) in India of nominees from ITEC partner countries.

  • Projects and project related activities such as feasibility studies and consultancy services.

  • Deputation of Indian experts abroad.

  • Study Tours.

  • Gifts/Donations of equipment at the request of ITEC partner countries; and

  • Aid for Disaster Relief .

Q : What is e-ITEC?

A : An e-ITEC is a modality of ITEC programme wherein training is imparted in partner countries by Indian Institutes online in real time. Under e-ITEC, the classrooms are shifted to our partner countries and tailor-made courses are delivered by Indian faculties online/ through video conferencing. The facilities in the classroom required are desired internet bandwidth, telecommunication links and a focal person to coordinate. For more details please visit  :

Q : What document are to be submitted along with e-ITEC application?

: The endorsed original application, the original nomination letter from employer, copy of passport, copy of office Id card, copy of educational & professional qualifications.

Q : Will I get certificate for attending e-ITEC training?

A : Yes. The institute issues certificate to candidates who fully participated and met all the requirements for receiving the certification.

Q : Is stipend paid for attending e-ITEC training?

A : No

Q : What is ITEC Onsite?

: ITEC Onsite is a customized capacity building training under ITEC programme which are imparted in the partner country by deputing Indian experts/trainers in that country. ITEC Onsite is offered when a significant number of participants from a single country are to be trained on a particular subject. The partner countries approach concerned Indian High Commission/Embassy with a proposal for training under above modalities including details regarding desired area of training, minimum number of participants and classroom facilities etc. The nominated participants by the partner countries apply through ITEC portal and physically join in classes on the given date and time.

Q : How do I attend ITEC training in my country without traveling to India?

A : The nominated participants by the partner countries apply through ITEC portal and either join the e-ITEC courses or physically join in classes on the given venue, date, and time for ITEC Onsite courses.

Q : About ITEC Expert?

A : Indian expert are deputed to partner countries on their request to assist in their development activities. The experts study the problem and suggest solution without disturbing the local socio-economic and cultural environment. Such deputation can be at the working level or at policy making level. These ITEC expert also help in building a sustainable engagement with partner countries.

For deputation of ITEC expert the recipient country sends a detailed proposal describe by the objective of their assignment, expected outcomes, duration of their study etc. Govt. of India bears all the associated cost of such deputation expect for local logistics and support on Accommodation & Medical facilities, which are provided by the receiving country.

Some of the fields covered in recent years have been IT,Audit, Medicine,English teaching, Telecommunications, Agricultural research, and military training etc.
Please visit :

Q : What is ITEC Executive?

A : ITEC Executive is an exclusive programme for senior level functionary of partner countries which covers trainings, workshops, study/ exposure visits etc. Visit of a delegation from partner country to develop an understanding of existing practices/system in India are covered under ITEC-Executive. For this module, the partner countries submit their proposal through our missions and the ITEC-Executive programme is anchored by a premier institute of India. Please visit :

Q : How do I apply for courses?

A : Browse for courses that will technically boost your career by visiting and click on "APPLY NOW" next to the courses you have been nominated by your Organisation to attend.

Q : General Terms & Conditions for courses?

A : Please visit  :

Q : What is the course fee?

A : Fees charged by the training institutes are borne by the Government of India.

Q : How much is the visa fee?

: Visa is issued gratis to the participants. Prior to departure for training in India, participants are advised to apply for Visa to the Embassy/High Commission of India, accredited or concurrently accredited to their country. Visa issued for a particular training program cannot be utilized for some other purpose.

Q : I want to visit other places after my training in India?

A : Visa issued for a particular training program cannot be utilized for some other purpose. An educational-cum-sightseeing study tour is an integral part of many courses. They also serve to familiarize the participants with Indian culture and history and are compulsory. Government of India bears the cost of such study tours during the Course.

Q : Who bears the cost of my flight? OR Do I have to pay for  my flight?

A : Participants will be given excursion/economy class air tickets for travel from the airport nearest to their place of working/residence in their respective home countries, to their place of training in India and back.

Q : What about accommodation?

A : Accommodation is provided by the Training Institute in a hostel/hotel and the charges on this account are borne by the Government of India. While generally accommodation is provided on single occupancy, there could be instances of accommodation being provided on double occupancy basis. (Type of accommodation being provided by the Institute is available at ITEC portal). Participants are required to pay for availing services such as: a. Room service, b. Laundry, c. Local and outstation telephone calls, fax, etc.

Q : Will I get any stipend ?

A : Every participant is to be paid daily living allowance @Rs. 1200/- per day for courses greater than 12 weeks and @Rs. 1500/- per day for courses of duration less than or equal to 12 weeks by the Institute on weekly/fortnightly basis (as decided by the Institute) after deducting charges for meals, as participants are required to bear expenditure for meals from the Living Allowance. In case institute does not make any arrangement for provision of meals, the participant will receive the entire daily living allowance. Participants are advised to bring some extra money with them for any particular individual needs they may have, including special dietary needs, shopping, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Q : Medical Facility?

A : Participants selected for training Courses are expected to be medically fit. The Government of India will cover medical treatment only for ailments of immediate and emergency nature occurring in India. No medical reimbursement will be provided for ailments of chronic nature or for pre-existing medical condition. Participants must carry their medicines for chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension, etc. and have to bear the expenditure for medicines and consultation of doctors on their own.

Q : How can I recover my USERNAME and PASSWORD?

A : Your USERNAME is your email address used in verification of your email and activating your ITEC account. To recover your password, click on forgot password option :

NOTE: Alumni  who applied before 2015-16 FY may not be able to login with their email because the application was processed on paper application form. They may not have account yet. They may apply for e-ITEC training to create an account.

Q : During application process, which multilateral Organisation do I choose?

A : Applicant can choose any multilateral Organisation he/she is employed and/or nominated. If you have not been nominated or employed by any of the multilateral organisations listed, please do not check the box by the left side of secretariat name or do not select any secretariat. After selection of your country just click "Proceed".

Q : Where do I submit my printed application?

A : After filling, the printed application is to be submitted to the nodal/designated Government Department/Agency of applicant's country.  The Government Department/Agency is to send the endorsed application with recommendation to Indian Mission for processing.

Q : Who can apply?

A : Officials in Government, Public and Private Sectors, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, and Industry, etc.Candidates should possess adequate work experience.

Q : Eligibility criteria for admission to Courses?

A : Academic qualifications as laid down by the Institute for the Course concerned. Working knowledge of English required to follow the Course. Aa well as medically fit to undertake the training.

Q : Is there any age criteria for admission?

A : Applicant must be in Age group of 25 to 45 years.

Q : When does nomination closes for each of the courses ?

A : Applications should reach the Embassy/High Commission of India preferably 3 months before the commencement of the Course.

Q : Can professionals from private sector apply?

A : Officials in Government, Public and Private Sectors, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, and Industry, etc. can apply. Candidates should possess adequate work experience.

Q : Unable to login after clicking 'activation link'?

A : The link send via email is for activation of ITEC account. It is valid for one-time-use only.To login after activation applicant should directly visit:
NOTE: When you click on the link, you're automatically logged in, but you will not be able to access any detail. When that happens, the browser should be closed and allow to time-out the auto-login performed by the 'activation link' before attempting again to login.

Q : How do I know when my application has been accepted?

A : Applicants can monitor the STATUS of their application by login to their account and selecting "My Applications".When the application is accepted an auto-message is received by the applicant via email. Mission sends congratulatory message to the successful candidate and inform of other procedures to be followed for obtaining visa.

Q : I have not been contacted neither by ITEC nor Mission?

A : Applicants can monitor the STATUS of their application by login to their account and selecting "My Applications".When the application is accepted an auto-message is received by the applicant via email. Mission sends congratulatory message only to the successful candidate and inform of other procedures to be followed for obtaining visa.

Q : Need more details about ITEC/e-ITEC ?

A : ITEC :


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