Press Releases

Ambassador Sangeeta Bahadur's interview with Radio Belarus

August 18, 2020

Indian diaspora in Belarus. About medicine, yoga, culture and nature (interview)


The Indian community in Belarus is about 100 people. Also, Indian students study in the country - mainly at medical universities. On the one hand, India for Belarusians is an exotic country thousands of kilometers away. On the other hand, these are well-known films, recognizable melodies, favorite spices and yoga, so popular in recent years.


Photo: International Yoga Day 2020. Among the participants - employees of the international radio "Belarus"


Natives of India, who by the will of fate ended up in Belarus, are developing relations between the two countries both economically and culturally. Representative offices of Indian pharmaceutical companies operate in Minsk and other cities, and the turnover is gradually increasing - last year it amounted to almost $ 600 million. In Indian restaurants, as a rule, the chef is from India. A unique Indian cultural center has been created in the Belarusian capital. Of the latest events, a multifunctional cabinet of Indian culture has been opened at the Belarusian State University.


Photo: Opening of the Indian Culture Cabinet at BSU, July 2020 (photo -


We invited people who have lived in our country for several years (or decades!) On the air of the international radio Belarus, and asked them about cultural differences, language barriers, economic interests and tourist potential.


At the microphone:

Sangeeta Bahadur , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Belarus;

Navin Kohli , Indian businessman who has been living in Minsk for 27 years;

Utkarsh Pandey , student of the Belarusian State Medical University.



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