
Reg GTE Tender reference:MANPBT0003 dt. 31.05.2023 Due Date:14.06.2023 for Entering into Pre-Bid Tie-up for Design, Supply and Assembly of Floating System and Associated Anchoring & Mooring for development of 300MW AC Capacity Floating Solar Power Project

May 31, 2023

BHEL SBD Bangalore (India) invites you for participation in the Global Open Tender Enquiry (GTE) for Entering into Pre-Bid Tie-up for Design, Supply and Assembly of Floating System and Associated Anchoring & Mooring for development of 300MW AC Capacity Floating Solar Power Project as per BHEL Purchase Specification with following documents :

The Tender documents are uploaded in our BHEL Official Tender Site (www.bhel.com) under Tenders à Tender Notifications (Direct Link : https://www.bhel.com/pre-bid-tie-design-supply-and-assembly-floating-system-and-associated-anchoring-mooring-development)

It may please be noted that this tender is TWO PART BID SYSTEM and to be participated in Two Separate envelopes/Email as described below :

Mode of Submission :
(ii) E-Mail Mode : Offer to be submitted thru email to email ids specified below only:-

Part-I Bid : technicalbid-epd@bhel.in
Part-II Bid : pricebid-epd@bhel.in

1.  Tender reference & due date to be mentioned in subject of mail.

2.  Bidders may adopt this mode at their own risk. The Purchaser does not own any responsibility /liability for delays in receipt / loss of secrecy of such offers.

It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the tender is submitted on or before the due date by 02:00 P.M. The offer has to be sent by e-mail only.

For detailed instructions. Please refer to the tender documents.:

Interested participants may please quote as per the tender requirement.

In case of any issue/problem/clarifications regarding this tender , you may please feel free to contact the undersigned.

Looking forward for an active participation.

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