
Request for Publicity of Open tender enquiry T/3990/22/2086K/1 for "BAR MATERIAL FOR TURBINE BLADES NICR20TIAL (NIMONIC 80A)" due for opening on 23-01-2023 issued By Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (Haridwar)- A Government of India Undertaking

December 26, 2022

BHEL has published an open tender T/3990/22/2086K/1 for "BAR MATERIAL FOR TURBINE BLADES NICR20TIAL (NIMONIC 80A)" due for opening on 23-01-2023.  NIT copy is enclosed. The tender is hoisted on following websites:

1.       https://hwr.bhel.com (NIT no 7779)

2.      https://www.bhel.com/ (NIT no 70801)

The details of the tender along with required documents are also available at above mentioned websites.

 We request you to kindly arrange wide publicity of this tender through your esteemed resources.

Tender Document

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